Thursday, April 9, 2009

Joe and Joseph

You know that Joe and Joseph have the same name.... I mean of course they have the same first name....but they also both have the same middle name!!! Obviously, I didn't know Joe back when Joseph was born..... so we've always thought it was kind of funny that I ended up with a man who shares the same full name as my son..... hmmmmm, interesting fact for the day!!!

A few months ago, Joe taught Joseph how to ride his bike without training wheels, but since Joseph didn't keep up with it, he "forgot" how to: so Joe had to teach him again!! Last night, Joe and Joseph spent about an hour out front riding, falling, turning, jumping off, riding, falling, laughing.... it was great..... I love to see that sparkle in Joseph's eyes once he has figured something out!!!

Joe showing him how to get started on his own....
And he's off.....

If all else fails.... jump off first:
He's so excited that now he can ride with his big brother.......
Nothing beats a smile like this..... he was so proud of himself....and I am so proud of him too!!!
And what a joy it was to watch the two of them interact like that.... I am very thankful that Joe has a good relationship with the boys.


LazyCrazyMama said...

How awesome!!! He does look soooo happy!! :) Yay for Joseph!

Emily said...

they picture of lil joes face when he had the swing of it was precious!! soo stinking cute:)

April said...

How sweet. You got some good guys in your life. Very blessed.

Carrin said...

Just wait until Joe teaches Joseph to ride a motorcycle!

Brandy said...

He definatley looks very proud of himself!

How cool that they both share the same name!