SOOOOO, for my first ever "Take Me Back Tuesday", I'd like to share some memories of my mom!! As most of you know, I lost my mom about 4 years ago.... and as you also know, she was my best friend, my confidant, my "ear", my voice of reason, my hero!!
I love to take every chance I get to talk about her and relive some fond memories I have of her!!!
Of course, this is a memory that I don't remember... oh, I was a wee little 2 week old baby and we were at "my" baby shower. The baby shower was scheduled pretty late in her pregnancy and I came about 3 weeks early; hence my attendance at said shower!!
This is my mom and I when I was about 5 years old. It was Easter and I had just gone egg hunting. I remember how my mom loved to put my hair in pig tails and then braid it. BUT, I also remember that she had to chop-it-off because I got to a point where I would not let her brush it without a major fight (hmmmm.... sounds like a certain 3 year old that I live with)!!!
This is my mom and I at my high school graduation. This may come as a surprise, but I was a bit of a trouble maker while in high school and I'm sure there were times when my mom wasn't sure she would ever see this day!!!
And boy was I happy to make her (and my dad OF COURSE) proud of me!!!
Awwww..... 24 hours from now, I will be sitting on the beach relaxing.... watching my kids make sand castles & jump through the waves...... running my toes through the sand as I sip on my margarita (or some other "adult beverage")..... soaking in the sun as I chat with my best friend!!!
Awwww.... I can't wait.... 4 days of fun in the sun!!!! Don't hate.....