Once again, I am going to join Diva Ma in talking sbout something that is on my mind; getting it ALL out....."Telling it like it Tiz". I broke my rule last week and discussed politics on here, but thankfully all that is over with and we can all carry on!!
I have some pretty strong feelings on the way kids are taught, now-a-days, that "everyone is a winner". I think it does a huge injustice to children, to not teach the losing process. In schools, sports teams, extra-curricular activities etc... kids participate and WIN; each and every child WINS each and every time. During Field Day, the kids all go to the same activities, they each take a turn trying it out and then move on to the next one; and at the end of the day, they all get a "Everyone is a Winner" ribbon. Geez, I remember when I was in grade school, during field day we competed in our sport/activity and then we got ribbons based on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. We used to get so excited to see who was going to win which event. (If you must know... I was always good at the bean-bag toss) The reason I say all of this is because if you don't teach children how to lose, if they don't know that it is OK to lose...then what will they do when it finally does happen (because, inevitably they.will.lose.something.at.some.point.in.their.lives.)?? Also, if you don't teach them what it feels like to lose, how will they ever get the motivation to want to win (or succeed). I mean, seriously, this carries on into their college, professional lives and future family lives. I know that I want my children to "want" to do good; I want them to "want" to succeed...and at the same time understand that you don't/can't (and won't) always win...but that's ok!! If they do lose, I want them to know they will still be liked/loved the same...they just have to pick up and try again the next time!! But if they are never "allowed" to lose...then how will they ever learn this??
Until next Tuesday.....that's all I have to say about that!!!!
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Aman sister! Aman!
I totally agree. Not everyone is the best and not everyone is always a winner!
You are 100% right~
My Hubby always makes sure to beat the kids at games and sometimes I have to remind them of their age and to let them win at least once. When Little Man was in t-ball they didn't keep score and "Everyone wins!" but after the game he would whisper to me, "So Mom, who really won?" And I was always truthful. It taught him to try harder.
you are so right!! I played basketball in junior high. one year, we were horrible and only won one game. the next year, we won ALL the games. it was really sweet, because we knew how crappy it is to lose, so we kicked ourselves into gear.
My friends and I call them the trophy generation because everyone gets trophy no matter how bad they suck! kids have to learn to lose with thier pride still intact!
I agree 100%
Losing isnt fun, but there are lessons to be learned from losing...and winning. Yeah, it was no fun to lose (I always did) but I learned to be a stronger person and realize we all do not have the same strengths.
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