Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Here's My Two Cents

Tuesdays are for talking.....and thanks to TuTu for the invite to join her Tuesday carnival so now I can give my Two Cents to anybody willing to listen....

Today I want to discuss family....For some reason, I have really been missing the way family used to be....... You know where there was always a clear role for mom and dad...? It seems like things/family life was so much easier. Of course I am all for women working, making money & supporting the family (i do that)....but sometimes it feels like it would be so much easier if there were two distinct roles: mom handles this, that, this.... and dad handles this, that, this..... Now-a-days, it seems like everybody is trying to do everything or single parents are having to do everything; and divorce is almost something considered as an "out", if needed.... Like before, divorce wasn't even thought of when you are getting married....and now, BEFORE a couple even gets married, there is that thought that "if this doesn't work, we can get divorced".....Some days (and only some) I just want to be June Cleaver. I want to have all day to keep the house in order and then when the kids get home help them with homework and what not and then have time to cook dinner to be ready when Joe gets home....without having to run around the house like a headless chicken!!!

I know, I know....June Cleaver's life wasn't perfect....where is the independence that I love; that I cherish....? But can't there even be an "in-between"...? Please tell me there is still a "normal" out there!!!! How are all of your family/home lives?? Do you share duties....do you have distinct roles??


TuTu's Bliss said...

Yep.I have my area of expertise and he has his (based on our strengths and weaknesses) Although he is welcome to put his two cents in on my area but the decision is mine in the end and vice versa. In general we are able to respect that it it cuts down on fights. Because we don't have to "compromise" on every single issue. GREAT TOPIC!!! Hugs, Jen

Kristin said...

I agree. My husband and I have chosen traditional roles in our home and I feel like a traitor with my friends.

April said...

Hubby and I go the traditional route. He takes care of outside and I get the inside. I'm home all day so that just makes sense to us. He does do a lot of cooking though because he loves to cook and he is way better than me!

Carrin said...

We have a good give and take in our house. I take the kids to school, he picks them up. I cook and do laundry. He takes out the trash and keeps up on maintainence. We both clean, him even better than me sometimes!
I wish I could stay home even part-time. it would be nice to be able to get all my chores done and be able to relax with the family in the evenings. Sometimes I feel so tense trying to get everything done!

Rachel said...

We are very non traditional. Both me and my husband work full time. He has a flexible schedule and I leave before him. He gets the kids off to school and leaves work early so my son can walk home from school; he then finishes from home the rest of the day.

I get home about 5:30; he makes the kids what they want we normally work out and then my husband cooks dinner for us about 7:30/8.

We both clean once a week; tubs, floors etc...he does bathtubs because he says I don't do it good.

Whoever is home first straigtens up before the other person gets home so it's tidy and not a mess...kids also clean their own rooms...even my 3y/o.

I think times have definately changed and it would be different if I was able to stay at home but I like and appreciate our arrangement.

Communication is key and I think both partners need to share the balance.

Mary Teresa said...

I think that house roles are what you make them. If you want a June Cleaver type marriage then do it up. If you want your husband to split housework 50/50 then sure go for it. In my opinion that's what Woman's Lib was all about. The choice. That I can do what I want and not have to scratch, claw, and cry my way there.

Jennifer said...

We are a bit in-between in our roles. If I slack he picks up wher I left off, and vice-versa.

Great two cents! =)

Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Really good topic. I was just thinking about this the other day. We are pretty June Cleaver traditional. But that's what I always wanted growing up and that's how we planned our lives to be. We both have our hard times where we feel pressure in our respective roles but that is when the test really begins. When you prop each other up when times are tough.

Unknown said...

I think that my husband and I have traditional roles. I don't really like it but it has happened. I deal with it and occasionally he pitches in to help.

Brandy said...

Yeah I like the idea of clear roles in the family but our life is crazy so one year theres mom and dad we each do blah blah blah then the next Im mom AND dad and I do EVERYTHING (totally sucks BTW).
I find that even when MFS is home I still dont have dinner even thought of by the time he gets home and I have all day to keep the house clean but I wait til an hour before hes due to come home to clean so he comes into a clean house MOST DAYS.
What I really miss is TIME to enjoy being together TIME to relax, TIME to just be with out running here and there at a 100MPH.

Minxy Mimi said...

Occasionally I also feel like being June Cleaver..I hear ya!
I am the main cook, he is the main cleaner of big stuff, and we share the rest!