Monday, November 3, 2008

Not Me Monday....... (without Mckmama)

**UPDATED** MckMama is up and running and has her not me Monday up now!! Head on over to congratulate her on Stellan's birth!!

That's right, it's Not Me Monday time again; but this week we are doing it without MckMama.....You wanna know why we are doing it without her?? Her miracle, baby boy has made his entrance into this world and why would she ever want to do Not Me Monday when she could be snuggling with this bundle of joy... :)

Anyway, I enjoy Not Me's so much that I will still participate, and let you all know what I did not do this past week....
I did not get super sad and lonely on Friday evening, after all was done, because I missed Joe (out of town at the Florida-Georgia game) and I missed being with my boys for Halloween.

I did not watch my boy Joseph at t-ball hit that ball way past second into the outfield everytime; and did not watch him field, stop and throw to first most of the balls that were hit ( i promise I'm not just talking him up).

I did not think that if he sticks with baseball that he will play professionally one day (i know, I know--- all moms "do not" feel like that)

I did not wear my new, high heel boots to the concert Saturday night and dance in them for 3 hours and I did not stand in the front row and have to look up at the band for 3 hours.

And then, because of those things, I did not wake up Sunday (and today) with such bad muscle/back pain that I could not move.... bring on the muscle relaxers and pain medicine!! :)

And then, because of that pain, I did not call my daddy (like a little girl) in tears, asking him to come help me and take me to the Urgent Care/Walk-In because I could not take the pain (no, I didn't end up going)!!

I did not sit at the UCF football game with an Icy hot patch on and people did not ask "eww, what's that strong smell??"

Joe and I did not watch our UCF football team once again blow a first half lead and lose AGAIN in OT.

So, do you like or hate this time change??? I'll tell you this--- I love it in the morning because I can get up soooo much easier when it is light out. But I hate it in the evening because the kids have to come in from outside so much earlier!!


Keyona said...

Oh so that was you I smelled with that Icy Hot?? J/K! LOL!!

kay said...

The time change is fabulous, but I know it'll wear off soon and feel normal again.

Kate P. said...'s Bon Qui Qui here! LOL! Thanks for the comment love on my post! Glad you liked my glass! It is what started the WHOLE costume!

Your post was so good... I am FO SHO gonna try my hand at the Not me Monday. Holla! ;)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Came by your blog for the Not-Me's and immediately became interested in your photos and your story. Such a wonderful tribute you have about your mother. Moved me to tears. My Mom is also my best friend and I can totally relate to how important a role they play in our lives.

Getting back to the matter at hand, your Not-Me's made me laugh. Of course we believe that our sons will grow up to play professional sports. What kind of mother would we be if we did not?

Also, as my grandmother always says, we must suffer to be beautiful. I am sure that those high heel boots were worth the back pain. :)

Thanks for a great post!