Monday, October 5, 2009

All About MeMe-- I Like to Move It, Move it!!

All About MeMe Monday.... sponsored by SupahMommy and Mommybrain

This is about 5 songs that move MeMe....

I love music....I love all kinds of music... I am a rock girl at heart, but I do still enjoy every other kind of music too. I have certain songs that I listen to when I'm happy and want to really move. I have songs that I listen to when I am pissed about something and I need to blare the screaming hard rock on my radio. There are songs that remind me of my parents...remind me of when I met Joe... when my kids were born...hanging with my friends in school... GEEZ, how do I pick just FIVE songs....

Oh well... let's try...

1. Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks. I wrote about this song HERE. It reminds me of my mom and riding in her car as a young girl, watching her dance and sing... and eventually I learned the words and we would sing it together!!

2. American Pie by Don Mclean. This one reminds me of my Dad. Again, it reminds me of riding in the car with my Dad...jamming to this song. I never understood the words, but I would dance and sing as loud as I could.

3. Ya'll Want a Single by KORN. I like all of KORN's music...actually all of it really makes me move. But I especially like this one because it is one of my "angry songs"... there is quite a bit of the "F" word in it; but when I am in a bad mood, I just love to blast this song and sing it!!

4. Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters. Again, I like all of the Foo Fighters music, but there is just something about this song (and the music video) that I especialy like. And paired with the fact that I am in love with Dave Grohl (shhhhhhh, don't tell Joe).

5. Seeing Things for the First Time by Black Crowes. What do you know.... once again, I like all of Black Crowes music.. I have seen them lots of times in concert; and am actually going to see them this weekend. But this song was a "big help song" for me when getting divorced. The lyrics are about love gone wrong and about not "bending over backwards baby, just to please". LOVE IT!!!

Gosh, there are SOOOOOOO many more I could put down here, but I won't bore you with my music,,,, especially since I am not tech savy enough to figure out how to put youtube videos on here!!


Evonne said...

Great list!

I love American Pie!! But it's not so good live - st least the time I heard it. The Black Crowes put on a great show!

Lisa Anne said...

Great list, I love American Pie!! Classic!

MommyLisa said...

Okay, everyone not in love with Dave Grohl...go somewhere else! ;) Dave rocks.

Shell said...

So hard to narrow it down, isn't it?

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

Nothing better than some classic stevie nicks...



Raising Z and Lil C said...

That is a really great list! I love the Foo Fighters too :) We actually went to see them in concert and my husband was mistaken for Dave 3 times....I don't necessarily see it but I guess there is a similarity.

Miss. C said...

Now I am going to have American Pie stuck in my head for the rest of the night! lol! What a fun post!

Lisa said...

I love KORN! I haven't listened to them in for ever!

Lori said...

When I was younger I wanted to be Stevie Nicks. She was awesome!

MommyBrain said...

It has been entirely too long since I rocked out to some Foo Fighters ... I am searching in iTunes library right now ... aaaaahhhh, that's what I needed!

Great list! Thanks for sharing :)

~~Mel~~ said...

I saw Korn in concert last year, great show!

My all time favourite song is "she talks to angels" by black it!