Thursday, October 15, 2009

Writer's Workshop - My Mom!!!

When I read MamaKat's writing assignment prompts, it made me kind of sad.... every prompt has something to do with a mom. And even though her prompts were to write about different aspects of our lives and/or our moms; it's still just the thought of HER that makes me sad. She was only 52 and she should be here!!!!
Anyway- I chose to write a poem to my mom.....
I can't remember the time I first felt your loving touch
But it was from that moment on, I know you loved me so much
I always say, you were more than just my mother,
A confidant, a comforter, a friend like no other
You were so strong and fought so hard, it sucked to see you in pain!!
I hate that cancer took you from us and that I will never get to talk to you again!!
It was because of YOU, that I am the woman I am today!!
I hope I make you proud; and that's all I have to say!!
I love you and I miss you terribly mom.... it doesn't get any easier not having you here with me!!!


Lisa Anne said...

I couldn't read this, i have to be honest. After the first line she was 52 she should be here I had to just scroll to the comments before I end up in tears.

Time makes it harder. I'm sure you've read my post to my mother back in Septmeber.

Evonne said...

I am so sorry you ladies lost your moms. I cant' even imagine the pain! I had a hard time reading this because I have a friend who is also a mother battling cancer.

Beautiful post and tribute to your mom!

Carrin said...

What a lovely tribute to your mom. I can certainly tell she was a good woman and friend just by the words you use whenever you talk about her.

Amy McMean said...

ahh Melissa.... i knew you would make me tear up. I'm sure, no I KNOW your mom is very proud of her, who wouldn't be proud of YOU!

Love the pictures, you guys look so much a like.

Sandra said...


You WILL be able to talk to her again... no worries...

Lovely poem...

I am so sorry for your loss...

Kekibird said...

Beautiful and so so touching. Big hugs, seems she rubbed off on you in a good way :o)

~~Mel~~ said...

Melissa I can't imagine your pain! I'm so sorry. What a lovely post and know that she is most definitely smiling at you and what you've done in your life.

The Royal Family said...

beautiful poem! I am sorry to hear about your mother that's a terrible thing!!! XOXO

April said...

That was sweet and I am so sure that she is proud of you.

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...


that was so sad
i feel so much for you

we lost my aunt and in a few weeks it will be the 6th anniversary..

your poem was beautiful and you look so much like her

i bet she's proud as hell of you.

Shannon said...

So sad that you had to write this poem... but it was a lovely tribute to your mom.

Thanks for the bday wishes!