Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Post it Note Tuesday - Read it... Hear it...

Go check out Supahmommy and all the other "post its"

One of my favorite posts of the week.... I love to get my message heard with a bit of sarcasm... and not actually have to "say" it... know what I mean??

Shhhhh, don't tell my dad about the last one.......


The Princess of Sarcasm said...

Giiiirrrrlllll...I agree! We have gone too long watching Derek with his shirt on! Oh my.....

Funny....one of my post its was about DWTS too! LOL

Lori said...

One of my cats does the same thing with my pillow. It makes me a little crazy!

Lisa Anne said...

LOL did you buy a sexy cop costume for you man? What a great woman!! I don't watch dancing with the stars, but I like the two step. lol Great post it note tuesday.

Shell said...

I hate cold and flu season, too! Last year, it was like my had the plague, it was so bad.

MommyLisa said...

Store clerks do stuff like that all the time...

Meeko Fabulous said...

Love these notes! Thanks for dropping by! :)

Amy McMean said...

LOL. Love the last one! Thats great. Officer melissa.

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I love these notes...you are so funny!

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

i died about the cop one


I should get one too.. and then give dbd a ticket.. like he got this week for speeding.

maybe he'll pay me... wait.. then i'd need a hooker costume..

that should be a post.. or a meme monday huh?


Janie Woods said...

Ahhh, sales clerks. Gotta luv em!!

LOVE the post-its!! Too funny! Oh, and I need to find out about the, ahem, video?

Trading in the van because I get that nagging feeling it's going to start costing $$$ plus I put about 300 miles a week commuting so I want something a little more fuel efficient. We WERE looking at the Dodge Journey. Oh well, pay the van off in six months then look again!

Claremont First Ward said...

This is the second post it note tuesday I've seen. How fun!

Anonymous said...

Makes me crazy when you are trying to keep things from prying eyes and the person on the other side of the counter doesn't get it and you are drawing more attention to the fact by trying to explain…Great post! ;)

Jessica said...

She so did not hold up the costume, right? You're kidding? Embarrassing.

Unknown said...

Oh I Know Right, Derek is so Yummy! My Dog does the exact same thing, she'll sit on my pillow and look out the window and people watch.

JennyMac said...

Dogs just LOVE getting on that pillow don't they? LOL.