Monday, March 15, 2010

I Love my SuperStickies....

You know, thank goodness for these "Me-me's" or I would be at a loss for what to write about sometimes!! Seriously, I am usually one who can NOT shut up (my mom used to say that you could put me next to a bookshelf and I would still be talking); but sometimes when I sit in front of this blog, thinking about what to write, I am just B-L-A-N-K...... Finally, I have a place to freely express myself, without anyone butting in or acting like they don't care..... and nothing.... Go figure!!!!

Anyway, this is one of my favorite posts..... fast and easy....and to the point!!!

Be sure to go check out more of these fun post-its at SUPAH's HOUSE!!!!

Oh and one more.........................

Yes......... my sweet little lady cried for about 30 (yes, you heard me T-H-I-R-T-Y) minutes because we couldn't find her Dora roller skates and she wanted to skate with her brothers....
She cried and cried and cried and cried......and yea, I was ready to pull out every single strand of hair from my head.
So, I did what every good mother would do (wink-wink)-- I made her go into her room so she could calm down; and by that I mean, I put her in there so I could gather my sanity ;-)

After a few minutes, it was quiet---- she did calm down and stopped crying..... I won, right?? She listened to me and learned how to handle her emotions........ No, she just fell asleep!!!


Amy McMean said...

I'm sorry did that note say you are going to Key West in 3 weeks. i must have missed the invite you sent me. :)

I handle things the same way Angie does, CRY and then FALL ASLEEP. It works great, try it sometime.

MommyLisa said...

I wish I could go to my room for a cry and a nap!

Cyndy Bush said...

Key West sounds wonderful! We are going on vacation in just over 2 weeks - can't wait!
I'm loving our Florida weather too.

The Unmarried Me!! said...

I am new to blogging, and would like to get a few people to check out my page, and help me learn all of the little tricks to blogging. Thanks!